We have used a GoPro for over 5 years , yes we had tire shake issues too until we built an alum mount to replace GoPro plastic mount. We mounted on the rear top of our roll bar , far enough out of the way so our driver didn't bump it when getting in and out of the car. The mount we made was mounted to the chute mount . Yes we lost the GoPro with the plastic mount. It helps us look at the driver actions, and how we do down track . We also use a hand held video camera to see what's going on at the start. One thing we look at is wheelie bar tracks and another thing we found was the right slick was being hit harder because of engine torque, so we now put 1/4-1/2 lb more tire pressure in the right tire to help it run straight. If we have long tracks on the track from the wheelie bar we put a liitle more lead on the nose, to help balance the car.
I hope this helps.