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Messages - AF/434

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Thank you sir, will save me some time.

Not as yet Paul, I'll e-mail you,C.

Roo Man's Room / Re: forward facing steering arms and ackerman
« on: January 30, 2015, 04:26:02 PM »
Thanks guys,C.

Thanks guys for the input and Rooman that is how I was going to do it untill I started over thinking it.[LOL] dreracecar the car will be 250 inch wheelbase on the long side / 248 inches on the right looking forward sitting in the cockpit. The front kingpin width is 39 inches and at present I'm using 5 inch arms with the rack and pinion steering I plan to use and will probaly have you make me a pair once I get a little farther along.

Roo Man's Room / forward facing steering arms and ackerman
« on: January 26, 2015, 05:00:04 PM »
Hi guys, I previously posted this in the wrong place I guess just too tired from lots of ot. I know how to determin ackerman with the steering arms normally facing rear with a R&P  but on this new 250 inch car I would like to face the arms forward and put the tank right up to the axle which has a 2 inch offset and R&P steering. I'm just not sure which way to go and would like some help to do it right thanks, Chris.

Hello folks I'm looking for someone who can help me figuring the correct ackerman for my first car with forward facing steering arms with a 2 inch leading king pin boss. I know how to do it with the arms facing rearward just not totaly sure facing the opposite way. Any help out there from you chassis builders???

I'm with you Glenn, let me in the seat! I would like to know the rear tire size and canard width's

Front Engine Dragsters / Re: Chute Deployment for First Timer
« on: January 10, 2015, 02:19:13 PM »
I'm sure a lot of you guys may know this but for those who don't some chute manufacturers actually make two lengths of pilot chutes and some others are longer than others the longest one you can use will be the best to help deployment.

Front Engine Dragsters / Re: Chute Deployment for First Timer
« on: January 10, 2015, 02:00:40 PM »
Hello Duster, we were one of only two Nhra A/F cars that I know of who actively licenced people in there car one of the things we teach is to drive with one hand and get your chute hand behind the lever to grab on the wat to the brake lever if something freaky happens to help get the car back under control I know from the experience driving a friends cars even just off the starting line when an axle broke and it kept me off the wall. What you are looking for is to be in the habit of pulling the chutes so as to hit as you cross the finish line to have the laundry out as soon as possible mainly for the short shutdown tracks. It is VERY IMPORTANT that when you get get off the throttle that you get on the brakes and DO NOT let off even when you feel the chutes hit as it wouldn't be the first time a chute hit and imediately ripped enough shroud lines to collapse. Only when you are sure you feel the car really slowing down with the chutes do you want to ease up on the brake to make it to the turn off. Letting off the brakes without the chute blossomed and tugging on the car will send the car bouncing badly from the stored energy in the tire from braking and loading the tire in the wrong direction I have photo proof of this as well.[lol]  You didn't say if you're running 1/8 mile on a 1/4 mile or 1/8 mile track but if you're on a 1/4 mile track and running 1/8 mile you can get away with just pulling at the 1/8th and hope it will coast to the 1/4 mile shut down but you would be much better off to be in just on habit or routine every time you drive as it becomes instinctive and autonomous to reactions. I hope this helps you and good luck.

HI all, I'm in need of a camshaft driven Tri Drive to run a fuel pump straight through the camshaft pump drive extention and drive two 44 amp MSD mags on the other two. RCD makes one and looking for a used one or one of similar desighn at a reasonable price I'm also looking for a used steering box in decent shape for my front motored NHRA A/FD [TAD]build let me know what you have thanks, Chris.

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