« on: February 01, 2020, 08:39:28 PM »
A little late I know but Happy New Year to everyone.
Looking for some guidance from our seasoned racers with regards to performance drop when the humidity and water grains are high. We did some testing yesterday and were way off our previous runs. Initially we tuned for the conditions but for the last pass everything was back to what we ran last time which is still very rich. So the 2 runs weather condition were
1. Temp 74.92 f, Humidity 25%, Uncorrected Barometric Pressure 30.04, Water Grains 32, Air Density with H2O 97% and Altitude 1074'
2. T 78.80, H 92%, UBP 29.80, WG 129, AD 94% and Alt 2230
Stack injected methanol 392 Hemi.
Thanks Neil