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Messages - ChevJerico

Pages: 1 [2]
weight divided ET3 ( et x et x et) X 197.14

 So if the car weighs   1750# / 636 ( 8.60 ET3)  =  2.75
 2.75 x 197.14  =  542 HP

Hey thanks, gives me an idea of what engine and how much it will cost.  Was dreaming about a 392 Hemi, but might have to settle for the run of the mill BBC,SBC.

The 105" w.b. is relatively inconsequential. Some 100" AA/FAs run in the sixes. What is needed is the total weight of the car and driver to give you a fairly accurate idea of how much power you will need at the rear wheels. Add about 10% for a well engineered drivetrain and that will be your crankshaft HP.

Oh hey thanks, Guess I kind of worded that wrong.  I'm looking for a nostalgia Altered, but I know it's a matter of weight.  I'm not sure how much a 105" Altered weighs?  Assuming drivetrain loss and a little extra horsepower.   I'm guessing about 1750 car and driver equals about 600 horsepower.  Does that sound right?  Just trying to get a rough idea with a little extra power just in case.

I'm in the early stages of deciding if it's feasible or not.  Thinking of stepping up, and purchasing a roller, and build my own 392 Hemi.  Trying to get an idea of cost with the Hemi.  Would like it to be blown on gas or methanol for the look, but that would probably be too much power for 8.60

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