Technical > Jon's Wheel House

run around system build


Looking at a site on run around system for trans cooler. Looks pretty simple. You tap into passage tha allows cirulate thru converter. .. I am thinking about doing one with a fan mounted over old ac coil and using 12 high pressure fuel pump to pump fluid from pan thru coil with fan and thru conveter back to pan thru system. Is there a rreason I am missing that this will not work same as high dollar system with everything mounted on car? Using quick couplers and doing it in this manner would save weight and take a minute or less to hook up. It could be taken to staging if needed and used while in line if needed extra cooling

We did this in top dragster. It’s not as effective as one would think. It doesn’t hurt anything, but we found it not to be quite worth the effort.

What kind of temp did you have and what was drop in temp. If running hi/low and leaving in high I have been told it is big time temp, Asking because I have another idea that should work but costly trial and cuss if don't work idea.

This was leaving in high
High gear only setup in a power glide.
I’ll have to ask as I forgot the temp but it’s very high.

What we ended up doing is using a pump around inside the transmission and having a very large custom transmission cooler built.


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