Drag Racing Discussions > Rear Engine Dragsters
mock up today
Got some work done today on Mockup engine to trans . 1/4 in motorplate to connect the VW to shorty powerglide. Looks like total lenght will be around 44" from pully to rear housing. Now I need to find the couplers to connect the trans to the Ford 9" rear.
After the couplers are completed then it will be time to modify back half so engine will fit and I think I can shorten it by about 10" . The top rail will be bent down for engine then back up for rear end . Picture found to show mod
the one I did for Mike Ballard. Frame rails over the engine bolted on.
Thanks Bruce we will talk about this soon. I don't care witch way we go I just thought that my intake would be in the way to do the bolt through way
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