Classifieds (Please No Dealers) > Wanted to sell

FTI pg valve body

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I have a FTI built valve body for powerglide.Setup for hi/lo transbake also pro brake.To clarify hi/lo is where you can leave off transbrake in low(regular) or if want can leave off brake in high gear. Advantages are basically its a option if want or need. Pro brake reacts quicker,but does require TB button to be held while using reverse. Normally cost right at 300 asking$220 shipped to your door. Used very little. I just want to get same  thing but aluminum version just for 8 lbs savings  and spend more money doing so.

I think there was I thread on this but too lazy to look it up.
Any idea what the reaction time difference is between leaving in high vs. low?
I realize there's a lot of variables just trying to get an idea.
I,m interested just not sure its the way I want to go.
Is the soleniod included?

RT wise no I know its almost dead on .5 difference et wise. You can call Greg at FTI he will know difference. I think I read .o5 difference in high,but double check it.

$200 shipped lower 48

Is this a complete unit? Solenoid, solenoid valve, etc. ? If so I'm interested.



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