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Building New 225" FED Need a little help

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Hello and thank you for letting me in this cool site. I am building a 170" FED Stack Hilborn injection, trying to keep it looking like 60's JR Fuel Car. I have 10" wheels, Mark William bend kit and blueprint. I have most everything I need except font wheels and little stuff along the way. My differential turned out to be too short so now I have to build one. My housing will be somewhere around 34" and I will need 1.5" 35 axles.
I have a group on FB called "History of JR Fuel"
I started this group to see if I could get some help building this FEDragster. No one seems interested in following. I have a few questions to start. 
I have to splice my shoulder hoop what size rosette holes should I use and how long should my inner piece be?
My mid motor plate is SBC Mark Williams and has a round hole in the bottom. Can I cut a slot at the bottom of the motor plate so I can get it in and out with out removing the block from the alignment bar?
I would like to keep this car looking nostalgic and I need to pick a tire out. I wanted to keep the tire from being to tall. If I used a shorter tire will I be able to keep the diff off of the lower rail and what tire do you all recommend? Thanks
Update: Car is in the process of being built.

        glad to see that you are actually starting to build the car. You need to get a copy of the SFI spec before you start on the chassis. It will tell you all about the splice criteria (and lots of other things as well).
  Although you could slot the mid plate it is not a very smart idea as this is the firewall between you and the motor. In addition it is a good idea to have a contiguous piece tying the lower frame rails together. Does the MW mid plate come pre notched or is it just a drilled blank? If it is notched you should not need to be taking it in and out while building the frame--just bolt it up and run the top frame rails through the notch. If it is a blank you will need to mock up the frame to determine where the rails are going to be and then notch the mid plate and bolt it in place (after removing the block from the alignment bar). Sorry if that is too much work but it takes some effort to build one of these things.


Hey Keith, Yes I am sorry it took so long to get this FED started. I agree with you don't want to cut the mid motor plate because of strength and protection. You are right these things are a lot of work, not just off the shelf put together. I have the backhalf jig built enough and the differential set up in it, seat hoop clamped down and the shoulder hoop holder built. Now I am attaching the motor plate to the motor. I have to figure out a way to post pictures on this site, when I try it says that the pictures are too big. Is there a free software to reduce the size or a way to do that other wise. Thank you for your advice. Nice chatting again.


--- Quote from: nitroscott on August 14, 2017, 12:33:30 PM ---I have to figure out a way to post pictures on this site, when I try it says that the pictures are too big. Is there a free software to reduce the size or a way to do that other wise.

--- End quote ---
There are several websites that resize pictures (single or batch) for free. Just Google: online picture resizer

Options include:

Glenn's write-up: How to post pictures

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