Technical > Dan Dishon's Transmission Den

Setting Two-Step Chip vs. Converter Stall


Hey Dan, Happy Fourth!  What is the rule of thumb for setting a launch chip versus stall speed.  In the shake down runs on my new FED, the car picked the front wheels at the release of the t-brake, set the wheels down and then picked them up again and carried them up for 20 feet.  It did not hit the wheelie bars to set the car down initially.  Your thoughts?   thanks

There is no right or wrong answer. You just have to test and find what your car likes best, some cars like a large run into the converter, ie lower launch chip, and some cars like a shorter run into the converter, ie higher launch chip. It all just depends on your particular combination. Most guys just play with it during testing or time runs to see what works best for them.

Exactly! My car was pretty violent with high RPM leave---we discovered that with this combo it LOVES leaving from an idle and the car behaves very well now. With the Hilborn it works great as there is no lag --you hit it and it is instant like flipping on a light switch..made our car happy

My convertor is 6200 and leave on 2 step at 5600. Hits em hard with 60ft 1.00 or better on a good launch.


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